Camp Cheerio
Cheerio Camp offers summer residential camping for children entering 2nd grade to rising 10th graders.
Our friendly, non-competitive camp atmosphere is a place where kids have fun, learn skills and make new friends. The camp accommodates 330 campers per session; campers are assigned to one of twenty-eight cabins by age and grade level, with two counselors being assigned to each cabin.
During the four weeks of Girls Camp and six weeks of Coed, Cheerio offers campers the chance to participate in various activities that help them explore and develop their potential and lives as young Christians in a safe and supportive environment. Perched atop the eastern side of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Camp Cheerio sits on 135 acres of pristine land with plenty of room to run, play, and grow!
Cheerio offers over 35 different activities for campers to participate in,
including Aquatics, Challenge Sports, Creative Arts, Field Games and Target Sports. When evening rolls around, the fun doesn’t stop! Campers will have more opportunity to let their athleticism, creativity, and performance skills shine in various Evening Programs.
Campers also have the ability to take advantage of the many nearby attractions by going on exciting day trips during their time at Traditional Camp. These experiences include canoeing on the New River, rocksliding, or climbing at Stone Mountain. These trips provide some campers a once-in-a-lifetime experience and another opportunity to do something they love.