Happy first full day of session 3! Today was our activity day, with 2 activity periods in the morning and 2 more in the afternoon. We started off the day with a Morning Watch done by our Head Counselor, Betsy. We then transitioned into a scrumptious chicken biscuit breakfast.

After breakfast was cabin cleanup - a time where cabins compete to see who can get the cleanest cabin. Today, Mount Rogers got Honor Llama (first place) and Hoffman Mountain got Dirty Duck (last place).

Our first two activities were AMAZING! Campers engaged in hour long periods of boating, fishing, arts/crafts, athletics, tree climbing, or hatchetry. The weather was BEAUTIFUL. Our first fish of the year was caught today in second period fishing!

Lunch was sloppy joes with homeade rice krispie treats for dessert. After lunch, we had rest period which was well needed even after only one day.

The afternoon ran the same as this morning with an addition cabin time period. There was snorkeling in the river, gaga ball, hiking, and more!

Dinner was salisbury steak with mashed potatoes, green beans, and banana pudding for dessert. At dinner, we announced our evening program - CASTLEBALL.

Castleball is basically dodgeball but with castles that the teams try to knock down. The first team to knock down their opposing team’s three castles wins. The blue team won tonight 2/3 and then staff beat the campers in one final round.

We ended the night with store and a vespers presentation on patience and hardwork by the Pine Mountain cabin.

Now time for a good nights rest for the canoe trip tomorrow!