What a day! We started off sleeping in til 8 and having the yummiest oatmeal bar for breakfast. Before breakfast, one of our support staff/Mount Rogers counselor, Will, presented our morning watch on working to fill other people’s buckets.

After breakfast, we had cabin cleanup and then open activities. The same activities as yesterday were open, including the infamous mudslide. Our campers hopped around camp all morning, with just a drizzle of rain.

Lunch was corndogs and mac/cheese - a camper favorite. At lunch, cabin cleanup scores were announced. Stone Mountain scored the highest score of all session so far with a 98.9, securing the Honor Llama title for the day. Hoffman Mountain scored 97.3, which is very clean, but got Dirty Duck. Mount Rogers came in second with 98.7 and Pine in third with 98.5. Today was a VERY close race!

After lunch we had rest period and specialized cabin times. The Pine counselors took their boys on a “cast away” journey into the woods - giving them numerous survival scenarios and seeing if they could complete them in time.

Our evening program was a drive-in movie. Campers worked diligently with their cabinmates to create the best car out of cardboard, anything they found in the woods, duct tape, and colored paper. They presented them all after our bbq chicken dinner and before we watched the CARS movie in the lodge.

A wonderful and jam-packed day for sure! We are all super excited for our last ful day together tomorrow!