Happy canoe trip day! Today our campers paddled about 5 miles down the New River, with some fun stops along the way. We began on site at our canoe launch, stopped at a beachy area for some floating, at what we call “3 Stooges”, and finished at the Low Water Bridge for takeout and lunch. All in all, it was an amazing day on the river. Only a few flips (haha), fun times on the rapids, lots of skipping rocks, and fun games with canoe partners.

Breakfast this morning was pancakes with peaches and bacon. A wonderful way to fuel for our excursion. Lunch was packout - ham or turkey sandwiches with chips, granola bars, and apples. Dinner was Taco Tuesday - tacos, jalapeno bites, and chips/queso.

Hoffman Mountain was the Dirty Duck again today and Pine Mountain was our Honor Llama. Mount Rogers and Stone tied for second place.

Our evening program today was “Riverfest.” Campers had the choice of Spikeball, volleyball, CanJam, gaga, or arts/crafts for just a chill time after our long day.

We ended the night with a vespers presented by Stone Mountain on loving yourself fully. Cannot wait for our second activity day tomorrow!