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Hello from Camp Cheerio! We couldnt have asked for better weather this morning as we started our day with pancakes and sausage! Morning activties were in full swing and everyone enjoyed running around outside and soaking up the sun. For lunch we had some delcious chicken tenders, onion rings, and lemonade to cool off. We cheered as they annouced our honor cabins for the day- Comanche, Cheyenne, and Navajo. Its always so fun to see the winners dance around the dining hall! After some rest in our cabin, we headed right back out for afternoon activties. Our last year campers participated in a color run and had fun throwing rainbow powder on each other and their counselors. We couldn’t get enough of the nice weather that we decided to have an outdoor cookout for dinner! We listened to music and ate some scrumptious bbq and hushpuppies. After dinner we met in the gym to recieve our tillie gifts! A few more days until the big reveal and everyone is getting very excited. For our evening program all of our campers and counselors came up with a song and dance to perform for Cheerio Idol. Overall, it was a 10/10 day and we cant wait to see what tomorrow brings!