Another great day at the River in the books! We started the morning with a yummy breakfast of crossaints, ham, hashbrowns, and fruit. Afterwards we went into cabin cleanup mode, scrubbing everything to get Honor Llama.

Our morning was bright and sunny during both activity periods. Perfect weather for tree climbing, boating, and hiking. We finished off the morning with a BBQ lunch on the lodge porch. Cabin cleanup was announced during lunch by our cleaning fairy - the one and only Betsy King. Pine Mountain came out on top with the Honor Llama title. Mount Rogers and Hoffman Mountain tied for Dirty Ducks with 93.8 points.

The afternoon was spent in more activity periods and a cabin time activity with cabinmates. Dinner was lasanga, GARLIC BREAD, and banana pudding - the best end to the day of meals. Our Pine Mountain counselors - Leighton and Will - seranaded camp with “Riptide” during meal cleanup.

The evening program tonight was Duck Egg Hunt. Cabins ran around camp and tried to steal ducks from leadership staff positioned around camp. Pine Mountain found the biggest duck prize and won.

We ended the night with a leadership staff vespers on mindfulness. Cannot wait for tomorrow hiking at Grayson Highlands!