FIRST DAY BEST DAY!!!! Activities this morning and afternoon were awesome! Mountain biking, boating, tree climbing, archery, hatchet throwing, athletics, arts/crafts, critter class, and fishing all commenced for 4 periods of absolute fun.

We began our morning with a Morning Watch about how our differences unite us, by reading a book called “Who You Were Made To Be” by Joanna Gaines. After morning watch, we transitioned into a pancake, bacon, and fruit breakfast made by our amazing chefs Penny and Thom.

Lunch today was chicken sandwiches with onion rings and blondies for dessert. Dinner was lasanga with cookies and mozzarella sticks. Talk about yummy day!

In cabin cleanup, our Honor Llama (first place) was Mount Rogers today. Our Dirty Duck (last place) was Pine Mountain.

The Evening Program tonight was Castleball - an enhanced game of dodgeball. The red team won first, blue team second, and campers beat the staff in our last round.

We ended the night with store and a vespers presented by Pine Mountain, reading “The Giving Tree.” Campers were challenged to give unto others and to also be grateful for what others do for you.

Now time for bed before the canoe trip tomorrow!!!!