Happy Canoe Trip Day!

We spent our day paddling down the river with one younger cabin and one older cabin trip.

The younger group started right after cabin cleanup and the older had a short cabin time before they began. During the trip we have 3 stops. - #1 “The Beach” - here we skip rocks, swim in the river, and hunt for crawfish - #2 “Griffin’s Cove” - a small cove-type area thats shallow and has a short hike near it - #3 “3 Stooges” - swim down a rapid nose and toes style and just chilling on 3 big rocks

Breakfast this morning was biscuits, eggs, and hasbrowns to fuel up for the river. Lunch was packout at the takeout point for Stone and Rogers and at “Griffin’s Cove” for Hoffman and Pine. Dinner was Taco Tuesday… of course!

The Evening Program tonight was Riverfest - a chill night with lots of yard games spread out for the campers to play.

Stone Mountain ended off our night with vespers and now time for bed!