Welcome Session 4! We are so so excited for a fun-filled week, with the special addition of TOJ tomorrow night at tradition camp and the fourth spent here at The River.

Opening Day was as smooth as can be as we welcomed in the 34 Session 4 campers. Lots of goodbyes, but happy ones, as parents dropped their kids of here today.

We began the afternoon with cabin times, bonding, and move-in time. Our dinner tonight was burger and hotdog cookout - a classic first-night meal here. Campers chose their pick of “burgin or dawgin” and we had some scrumptious cookies to go with the meal.

The evening program was DUCK HUNT! Campers ran around camp to find 300 hidden rubber ducks. Pine Mountain won with the most ducks collected!

Although the ran did hit us for a bit, we ended the night with store and moved opening ceremony up to the Austin Lodge. Counselors shared the values we hold dear here at Cheerio and we talked about how we are all now a part of the Cheerio Family by just being at camp!

Now time for bed!