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Hello from the mountaintop of Cheerio! This morning we started with a morning watch on the importance of being selfless towards others! Then we headed to the dining hall for delicious stacks of pancakes! The sun was high in the sky for morning activities! After the first and second period we headed to the dining hall for chicken patties! Our honor cabins for the day were Cheyenne, Mohican, Hatteras, Sequoia, Lakota, and Pawnee! We then headed to afternoon activities! Despite some rain during cabin time we all had a fun filled evening hanging out! For dinner we had tacos and guacamole! The whole camp then went out to search for Dinosaur eggs! After the eggs were found they were opened for the campers to have a watermelon treat! The sunset was very vibrant as the campers headed out to vespers and wind down the night! We can not wait to see what Tuesday has in store!