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Happy Tuesday! We started our morning off right with cinnamon rolls, cereal, and yogurt for breakfast. After cabin clean up we headed to our morning activities and the sun was shining, just as our weatherman, Fogge Mountain, predicted! For lunch, we enjoyed some meatball subs and lemon squares! Our Honor Cabins for today were Sioux, Croatan, Navajo, Mohican, Chippewa, and Lakota! Following that we had rest period and then our third and fourth activity periods! For dinner, we had sweet and sour chicken, egg rolls, and fortune cookies. What a treat! For our evening program, we played Spy Hunter. We snuck around camp with water guns and backpacks trying to decode messages and spray the other teams! Then to wind down for the night we got all of our energy out at Store and headed over to Vespers. What a lovely day!