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Hello from the mountaintop! We had such a fantastic first full day of camp. To start off we enjoyed some biscuits, bacon, eggs, grits, and pineapple for breakfast! Then after cabin clean-up, we headed out for our first activities of the week. For lunch, we had chicken patties, tater tots, potato salad, and brownies! Our Honor Cabins, the winners of cabin clean-up and the first people to get treats at Store, were announced at lunch as Navajo, Mohican, and Seminole! Afterwards, we went back to our cabins for rest period and then to our last two activity periods of the day. Our dinner tonight was make-it-yourself tacos! At dinner announcements, we found out that we would be playing Spy Hunter as our Evening Program. After lowering the flag, we snuck around camp to catch spies and earn points for our teams by decoding secret messages! Then we danced, played, and ate snacks at Store before heading to a special Vespers ceremony performed by the Mohican cabin.