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What a perfect last full day of camp to end out the summer! We had french toast and sausage for breakfast followed by one last cabin clean up. The weather was amazing, just as predicted by our weatherman, Fogge Mountain. After our last morning activities, we had a hamburger cookout where everyone sat together outside! We then headed back to our cabins for rest period. Our afternoon activities and Cabin Time were amazing! For dinner we had sirloin, green beans, mashed potatoes, and chocolate cake! Our Senior Counselors and Leadership staff sang some lovely songs to end out the session and say good bye to our time here on the mountaintop. Then we went to our evening program, Twilight Activities, where we could choose anywhere around camp to play one last time! Afterward we watched Performances from our Dance, Cheer/Tumble, Drama, and Pickleball classes! Our Honor Cabin for the session was Seminole! We then headed down to our closing ceremony to reflect on the week and our summer.