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What an amazing last day of 3C! We kicked off the morning with french toast, strawberries, and sausage for breakfast. Spiderman appeared from the ceiling as we were eating and announced that we would be playing Predator-Prey as our morning program! After one last cabin clean-up, we dressed up in our snake, spider, and flea outfits to play! Then we went to a lunchtime cookout where we enjoyed burgers and watermelon while sitting with our brother-sister cabins! We had an extended rest period and then open activities this afternoon, before spending some more quality time with our cabins. For dinner, we had a lovely meal of sirloin, mashed potatoes, green beans, and chocolate cake. Our Senior Counselors performed heartfelt songs to say goodbye to close-out dinner. Afterward, we watched performances from our drama, guitar, cheer/tumble, and pickleball classes! Then we had an amazing Closing Ceremony and slideshow to end the most perfect session!