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What another amazing day up on the mountain top! We enjoyed a delicious cereal and muffin breakfast that gave us just the fuel we needed for cabin clean up. Shortly after, we headed on out to our first activity periods of the day. This was a brand new day of activities for all of our campers which made for trying and learning new things! Then, we all met up for lunch and enjoyed cold cuts, sweet potato tots, and lemonade. Our honor cabins today were Witchita, Choctaw, and Lakota. Right after lunch we got some rest so we could enjoy the rest of our activities for the day! Following rest period came two more new activities for our campers and then during cabin time, each cabin got to spend some awesome time together and continue to grow close and build friendships. For dinner we enjoyed some chicken pot pie and veggies. Our evening program for the night was Dinosaur Egg Hunt where all of our cabins went on a hunt to find watermelons around camp without being tagged by the dinosaurs! It was so much fun and we even got to enjoy the juicy watermelon during store. Our Blackfoot cabin closed out our night with a beautiful vespers on acts of kindness and our 5 year campers got to join the milestone club right after. Everyone had a great day up at Camp Cheerio and we cannot wait for what is to come the rest of this session!!