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On the last day of camp, two different records were broken. The first was by Eliza, this year’s honor camper, who crushed the tree climbing record by eight seconds. The original record was four minutes and eleven seconds, but Eliza was up the tree and ringing the bell in an impressive four minutes and three seconds.

The second record was broken by Lucy, Hayes G., Parks, and Alex. There have been a total of 24 tires pulled out of the river this summer, but those in the first period snorkeling pulled out the 25th tire. However, there was only a small portion that was visible through the rushing water; the tire was almost completely buried. In ten minutes, with all eight hands digging in sand and moving rocks out of the way, the tire was pulled out of the river.

After a day full of activities and an intense game of castle ball, where campers beat their counselors and staff, the closing ceremony was held. Many campers said their counselors and staff was what made their camp experience full of what’s called “camp magic.”

Counselors Amanda King and Wren Gilmore were named first by Stone Mountain, followed by Andrew London and Jalen Sullivan for Pine Mountain. All of Grandfather Mountain said their camp magic was their counselors, with a camper named Joeseph adding that the nature that surrounded him made his experience magical.

“If you really listen, everything is beautiful, you just need to open your heart,” he said. Across the river, a small herd of deer emerged from the trees and captured the attention of everyone.

Two campers, Addi and Emma H., spent their final year here at Cheerio on the New River. The two said they’ve been here since they were 13, that they have nothing but love for CNR, and will cherish the memories they have made here. As they left, they read a letter they wrote.

“It’s hard to imagine life without the friends we’ve made here,” they read. “Goodbyes are hard, but they are a great way to start new beginnings.”

Where Saturday officially ended session three, Sunday morning opened with new and returning faces, with big smiles and excitement for the Fourth of July, taking place during the fourth session of the summer.

  • Authored by Orion Griffin