Thursday’s sudden downpour could not stop campers from having fun. Instead, after the hot week, those at Cheerio on the New River ran outside to sing and dance in the rain. Stone Mountain were some of the first campers to put on coats and run outside, singing Natasha Bedingfield’s “Unwritten” as they danced and jumped in puddles alongside staff. Others went to the lodge, where they played Just Dance and ping pong.

The storm passed quickly, and soon enough campers were back outside and heading to their fourth period activities, which included boating, music, hatchet throwing, mountain biking, and gaga ball.

An outdoor movie was shown after cabins cooked hot dogs over an open fire for dinner. As they waited for the sun to set and start “The Emperor’s New Groove,” campers told jokes to the crowd of moviegoers and enjoyed fresh popcorn. The evening was full of laughter thanks to camper comedians and the film.

  • Authored by Orion Griffin