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Happy Sunday! We started the day with cereal while the CITs prepared our church service. They gave a great devotion on trusting in Jesus and we finished the morning getting our station assignments for the olympics. For lunch we had grilled chicken and potatoes and got excited for our big afternoon! We then had an extended rest period which was a great time for everyone to catch up on rest! Unfortunately, due to a long storm that decided to pass through camp, the Olympics were postponed to another day. Instead, our cabins spent some quality time together. Afterwards we had cabin time, where we cleaned the cabins and got ready for our upcoming week. Because of the rainy weather, we had a cook-IN and served hotdogs to everyone! Luckily, we were able to finish the night with the Cheerio Dance- Wild West style! We danced the night away and will sleep well tonight! We are ready to take on the second week of 2C!