Campers exploded with joy on Sunday night as they spread across camp like the stars in fireworks to find green, blue, pink, orange, and yellow ducks hidden across camp for Sunday’s evening activity, Duck Hunt. Each cabin was assigned a different color to search for, other than the yellow ducks that were free game for everyone. Despite a hole in the bag, Mount Rogers won the duck hunt, finding all of their pink ducks, a large number of yellow ducks, and the special mallard statue.

The first full day of camp kicked off with nature hikes, fishing, and tree climbing, where many campers reached side-quest bells and others reached the top of the tree. During slingshot, a camper named Nate completed three challenges set by the activity leader, with the third challenge being completed while the activity leader was creating it.

The evening ended with Riverfest, where counselors dressed up in all sorts of costumes, such as pirates, ducks, and Mario characters like Luigi and Bowser. All across the office field, campers and staff played tether ball, 9-square, volleyball, soccer, jenga, or painted each other’s faces as animals or with fun designs. The day ended just as good as it started, with laughter and smiles on each campers face as the sun set over Cheerio on the New River.

  • Authored by Orion Griffin