Our last day of 5C was the perfect way to end our summer here at Cheerio! It is hard to believe that this session and this summer are coming to a close. Today after breakfast and cabin clean-up, for morning program we played Predator Prey! Then we had one last cabin time before heading to our burger and watermelon cookout for lunch! After this we had extended rest period and then we enjoyed open activities. Our campers were able to go participate in whatever activity they wanted to and it was so much fun to see everyone running around camp! After open activities, we enjoyed our final dinner together which consisted of sirloin, mashed potatoes, green beans and delicious chocolate cake. To close out dinner, our Senior Counselors prepared some songs to sing to all of the campers and it was such a beautiful way to end our dinner.Following dinner, we all gathered in the gym to watch our performance classes showcase what they have been preparing all week! Before performances, our Honor Cabin for the session was announced as Apache! To close out our time together, we went on down to our Closing Ceremony grounds and heard once again about the values held here at Cheerio. We finished the night with a slideshow and some celebration to recap on all of the fun we have had this week! We hope to see everyone next year, thank you for the best summer ever!