What another amazing day up on the mountain top! We enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast that gave us just the fuel we needed for cabin clean up. Right after breakfast, our CREW (last year) campers set off on their 10 mile hike to stone mountain! Shortly after, we headed on out to our first activity periods of the day. This was a brand new day of activities for all of our campers, which made it so fun to try and learn new things! Then, we all met up for lunch and enjoyed crispy chicken tenders, onion rings, and lemonade. During rest period our CREW campers returned from their hike and jumped in the pool to celebrate! Following the rest period came two more new activities for our campers and then during cabin time, each cabin prepared a skit to perform that night in front of camp. Right after our barbeque cookout, we went out to enjoy all of the skits that the cabins performed!